Greetings and salutations wandering souls. As you probably have figured out by now, my name is Brian Tang, and this is my personal website. It ain't much, and probably smells a bit, but it's mine, all mine.
I live in Markham, Ontario (that's in Canada for those unfamiliar with the great nation of snow and maple syrup). Since graduating from the University of Toronto at Scarborough with a degree in Management (Co-op) in 2007, I have been at IBM Canada as Sales Operations Manager for a couple business units.
This website is designed to be a simple project of keeping myself up-to-date in the web designing standards and practices, as well as provide the portal for me to remind myself of my past life whenever the current status overwhelms me.
Of course, you are free to roam around and check out whatever little tibits of myself I find time (and the nerves) to publish. But be warned, I take no responsibility to any harm done onto you or your worldly posessions by you visiting my site. ;)
As an ongoing project, the site will be under continuous construction, so if a link does not work or an image is a bit misaligned, please excuse the error. If you like, I appreciate it if you could drop me a line about the error, and it will be corrected as soon as I get to it.
The following pages are completed or in a state available for human consumption (by the eyes), as of 10/21/2009. All other links may lead to deadends:
Website Progress Report
I haven't maintained my site for quite some time, but there are a few things I want to spruce up:
As of 10/21/2009:
- Home - Update welcome message.
- General - Remove dead links to old external sites, add IBM to Career, remove Guestbook, update Firefox link, add link to other social networking sites (LinkedIn), etc.
- Resume - Update for 2006... and 2007... and 2008... and 2009 maybe. :p
- Site Content - Make redirects for Person / Career / School / Fun / Site root directories to central pages to have short notes on each section (i.e. each job for the Career section).
Thanks for stopping by. Sorry the place is a mess, but I promise to make it look all nice and pretty if you promise to come back! There's still lots to come, and lots to see, so check back every so often!
Take care,
- BT.